The Dark Ages

Ancient Mediterranean End of Bronze Age

The Dark Ages isn’t truly a time where the world turns black and everything is shrouded in darkness. Well, maybe for some. During the end of the Bronze age we know that many of the great Mediterranean cities were taken over and their civilizations came to a violent and abrupt end. For historians this is referred to as a dark age. During this time productions of writing and various other forms of civilization such as artwork or building was halted. To name some of the few kingdoms that fell during this time period there was various Mycenaean kingdoms of the Mediterranean, Hittite Empire in Anatolia and Syria, and the New Kingdom of Egypt in Syria and Canaan. These were all large kingdoms that had grown vastly with substantial powers and civilizations.

              “During these years, all of the large urban centers and governing systems of the Mediterranean, the Aegean, and most of Southwestern Asia, collapsed — leaving behind, after a period of turmoil and mass migration, the isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages.

This period of time saw the end of the various Mycenaean kingdoms of the Mediterranean, the Hittite Empire in Anatolia and Syria, and the New Kingdom of Egypt in Syria and Canaan.”

Because of the abrupt end to so many notable powers the worlds records were essentially stopped for some time and it wasn’t until later times that people started to settle again into new areas and grow once more with writing and various forms of civilized productions. The start of the Iron Age starts at various times in different places but with the turn of the Iron Age the brutal end to the Bronze Age was becoming a distant event. With the civilizations rebuilding and growing once more the Iron brought with the transition made wars and collisions more violent.  What do you guys think the civilizations that were destroyed at the end of the Bronze Age would be like if they had not been destroyed? 

 Above is a picture of the invasions and migrations of the Mediterranean civilizations. 
To see more of the collapse here is a link that I read up on. 

“Late Bronze Age Collapse, Mycenaean Civilization Collapse - Collapse As Witnessed 3400-3000 Years Ago.” Science Heathen, 5 Dec. 2016,


  1. I think this is a great post and topic that you chose to write about. It was a very important part of history at this time and it is also something very interesting to learn about. It was big when this cities were invaded because like you said, it brought many new civilizations and other cultures into the area. Great work!


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