
Spartan Life

Apparel and Weaponry
Spear (dory): The Spear, main weapon of choice.
Hoplon (Aspis): The Large Round Shield.
Xiphos: small, short stabbing sword.
Kopis: Long curved slashing sword.
Helmet: a bronze piece with two eye holes.
Horse Hair on Helmet: used to make warrior seem taller, soften blows.
Cuirass: Bronze chest plates.
Greaves: Shin protection, bronze
Pteruges: double leather flaps used to protect the groin area.
Bracers: wrist and forearm protection. made out of leather.
Cloak: issued one red Tunic a year, this has two purposes; to protect from cold and for status.
Shoes: Typically they didn't where shoes to avoid their feet getting soft, only wore sandals for special occasions.
Hair: long hair and long beard (braided), not mustache.
Pankration: Ancient Martial Art practice by Greeks.

Spartan Women
Freer than the average Grecian woman.

  • Know for their natural beauty, didn't wear make up or any other enhancements. 
  • They were publicly educated. 
  • They could not have careers, or use their education to make money. 
  • they could however hold land. 
  • Girls exercised undressed outside. 
  • They competed in athletic events.
  • Produce strong Spartan males. 
  • Sharp wit and outspoken.
  • the fall of Sparta was partially blamed on the spartan women. 

It's interesting that not only did the Greeks spark democracy but the spartans who were not democratic, sparked women's rights. now this isn't the women's rights we fight for today but it is the closest we get in this time. I also find it interesting that the men work the horse hair on their helmets to protect therefrom bumps because that is why there were poof balls on top of winter hats for some of the military and then it became a trend for winter hats in general.




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