A Life As A Roman Solider


                                  living an ordinary life,we as people always expect to be happy everyday with no worries or fears.All around the world there's a man who's fighting for his life .He prays to have peaceful dreams and that his legacy lives forever.

Have you ever lost close friend?
 Have you ever lost a game with a teammate?
 Have you ever loved someone like they was your own brother and watched them die?
sounds pretty deep huh?...
Well I'm here to tell you that there was a guy who has experienced those traumatizing moments and he happen to be a Roman solider.

                                   How are these soldiers described? 
A roman solider who goes legionaries was respected highly around his city especially a high ranked solider.The girls would go mad crazy about a strong brave roman solider.A roman solider was described tall, muscular and the age of 18 and older.These guys were examined and there were no weak links joining this army.Being wisely picked like that there had to be some great benefits for these great soldiers, were talking big money here .Let's not forget the auxiliary who was a solider and wasn't considered a roman citizen.The Auxiliary played a big risky role as a solder and was paid three times as much as the typical roman solider.


Roman soilders signed up for the minimum of 25 years' service. But in case they survived their time, they were rewarded with a gift of land they could farmAncient soldiers regularly retired together in military towns, called ‘colonia’.

The auxiliaries was  paid a third of a legionary’s wage. They watched forts and frontiers but also battled in fightsregularly within the front lines where it was the most unsafe.

unfortunately With the soldiers having these benefits made them have something to look forward to when they came home.Even though the benefits are amazing it has it's ups and downs there's a chance you might die and never receive the money.

The good thing for these soldiers is that they can receive a promotionIf you get promoted you'll be excluded from a lot of the activities that a  standard soldier has.Also you'll be paid more than an regular soldierYou'll also receive an honorable release after 20-25 years. If you need to be promoted you'll have to be be the top soldier.

                                       How did the Romans fight? 

Researchers have calculated an estimate of 1 million officers within the Roman armed force! To keep such an expansive number of men in line, it was isolated  into bunches of groups called ‘legions’. Each army had between  4,000 and 6,000 soldiers.

legions were separated into bunches of 80 men called ‘centuries’. The man in charge of a century was known as a ‘centurion’. He carried a short rod He uses  it to defeat any soldier who disobeyed him

throughout the hard fought battle these soldiers have builted a everlasting bond with each as brothers. soilders throughout the war have witnessed each other give up there life for the city they call home.Reportedly roman soldiers have troubles with sleeping knowing they witnessed they brother get killed in front of them.with the soilders being so strong they can't do nothing but hold there head up and keep moving.      
                                                 The Era of the Romans still continue til this day 
                             As of today there are still wars going on and many solders at home are still suffering from the cruel events that goes on.I don't believe solders are given enough credit til this day for there work and service.Once people began doing research on how armies were started and how they end,these solders will feel more thankful for what they do.

                                      Here is a video of  a roman soldier-



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