The ancient Buddhism Religion

                                                                What to expect 

Have you ever just wanted peace and everything good to come your way.Well I'm here to take you on a journey to true happiness.We all know that practice makes perfect.What if I was to say,You can mediate to having positive energy Every single day.

                                                               What's Buddhism

  Buddhism is more of a philosophy or a way of life and is no-where close being savageSimilar to any other religion or beliefs, it gives codes of practices that offer assistance with life which would lead to true joy. As curiously as it could seem, Buddhism moreover makes a difference to create a better understanding of the human mind as well as healing.

.                                                          Creator

the originator of Buddhism,Siddhartha Gautama one of the major religions and philosophical frameworks of southern and eastern Asia and of the world. Buddha is one of the many appellations of a teacher who lived in northern India at some point between the 6th and the 4th century some time recently the Common Period.

The name buddha was used by a number of religious cultures  in old India which had a lot of meanings, but it came to be related  with the convention of Buddhism and to mean an enlightened being, one who has awakened from the rest of ignorance and accomplished freedom from suffering.


The history of Buddhism ranges from the 5th century BCE to the now. Buddhism emerged within the eastern side of Old India, in and around the old Kingdom of Magadha (presently in Bihar, India), and is based on the lessons of Siddhārtha Gautama.

                               four basic concepts in Buddism called the Four Noble truths 


Life always involves suffering, in obvious and subtle forms. Even when things seem good, we always feel an undercurrent of anxiety and uncertainty inside.

2. The Cause of Suffering

The cause of suffering is craving and fundamental ignorance. We suffer because of our mistaken belief that we are a separate, independent, solid “I.” The painful and futile struggle to maintain this delusion of ego is known as samsara, or cyclic existence.

3. The End of Suffering

The good news is that our obscurations are temporary. They are like passing clouds that obscure the sun of our enlightened nature, which is always present. Therefore, suffering can end because our obscurations can be purified and awakened mind is always available to us.

4. The Path

By living ethically, practicing meditation, and developing wisdom, we can take exactly the same journey to enlightenment and freedom from suffering that the buddhas do. We too can wake up.
                                  How it relates to people around the world

The world holds so many positive activities that connects to Buddhism. Life's all about trying to become happy and finding your purpose on life.The thing  that buddhism gives people is freedom and not to be judge on there beliefs.
Have you ever just met a person and they just enlighten your day and made you smile.Well practicing meditation can help other people around you pick up a positive energy vibe.I believe if we all worked on meditation it would be less crime and will lead more people into landing good jobs.Imagine if everyone was caring and focused on living a stress free life.I believe that could reduce the medication being prescribed all over the world.
                                              Here's a video of Buddhi


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